Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Upcoming Agriculture and FFA Events

Kamiakin Events
Sales Team practice - Tuesday & Thursday after school. Judges are needed to role-play with the students to prepare them for competition.
Apple Judging - Flawed apples are needed for practice.
Scarves for Foster Kids project - Students are making scarves to donate. Fleece materials donations are needed.
Floral Team - Students are learning floral identification. Live flower donations are needed.

Fruit Sales & Meat Sticks
Contact Denise Senor for additional information -

Kamiakin Agriculture - Fish Arrival

The students in the Kamiakin Agriculture program look forward to the annual arrival of fish! They are donated by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Students raise the fish and release them each spring.

Kamiakin FFA At The Fair

Pictured here is the Kamiakin FFA Fair Booth, which took top honors this year. The students reserched career opportunities in Agriculture.

A Mamoth Experience

Students involved in SAE projects and Culminating projects participated in the Mamoth Dig. The student pictured here is working the wet sieve to collect bones and other debris at the site. Additionally, the student helped with record keeping, sample collection and soil profiling. The next step will be to help "pick" through the collected materials to collect items of interest to the head researcher.

The Great Potato Challenge

Kamiakin and Kennewick Agriculture students participated in the "Great Potato Challenge" held at Columbia Basin College. This event was co-sponsored by CBCAg, Washington Business Week, The Washington State Potato Commission, AgriNorthwest, Big Bend Community College, AG Management, Ag in the Classroom and the Franklin County Conservation District to offer a one-day agribusiness training for high school students.

Students were introduced to the golobal and highly competitive nature of agriculture today, the career opportunities and the economic importance of export markets. In teams, students worked with an advisor to develop a marketing campaign to launch the Ranger Russet Curly Fry in China, a growing market for Washington potatoes and other argriculture products.

The students presented their campaigns at a Bidder's Conference where judges paid them "bidders dollars" for their presentations.

Pictured here are students working with their team and the final winners.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Agriculture Education

Welcome to the Kennewick School District, Agriculture Education Blog! Please check back often to stay informed about the Ag and FFA activities happening in the district.

Denise Senor, Kamiakin High School

Dan White, Kennewick High School